Marketable Products

In addition to being cost-effective and simple to operate the ECO-SOLIDS RECYCLE PROCESS, through beneficial recycling, produces two marketable products:

  • Eco-Solid - a sterile, organic biosolid
  • Eco-Liquid - a liquid ammonia fertilizer

The ESR produces a consistently high quality product which has established a proven use as a replacement for other organic inputs and for inorganic NPK fertilizers used in agricultural applications. A photograph of the material is shown below.

Land Use
This product has several advantages when it is applied to land:

  • Providing lime, nitrogen and organic humus to soils
  • Adding other plant-essential micronutrients
  • Increasing the lime content increases the cationic exchange capacity so that potassium losses are retarded from surface soils, thereby increasing its availability to the crop
  • The organic carbon and mineral nutrients are found within the biosolids matrix and thus act as a slow release soil conditioner and fertilizer
  • Maintains and improves soil structure, minimizing erosion losses from topsoil

Other Uses
Besides offering Eco-Solid for agricultural applications, the Eco-Solids product may be used in the following industries:

  • Lightweight aggregate for construction
  • Co-firing into coal fired power stations to help reduce sulphur emissions and recover energy
  • As a sulphur scrubbing agent in coal burning power plants
  • In cement manufacture as a replacement for the lime
  • To remediate coal field waste sites, raising pH levels for landscaping and planting
  • In combination with waste coal finings to produce a high-quality, low cost fuel for industrial and domestic markets

The liquid separated from the sludge via the water scrubber is a relatively small volume compared to the solids, but it may be utilized as fertilizer irrigation water, with ammonia levels of around 800ppm ammonium hydroxide. Where this liquid is not utilized it can be returned to the headworks of the wastewater treatment plant for treatment.

Regulations introductory paragraph for product overview page (editable)

The Eco-Solid product is an Enhanced Quality (Class A/Advanced Treatment) product which meets all regulations in Europe and the US.